Casey - Songs & stories to make you smile
Every good show has a commercial.  The same thing is true of every good website.  

You can take me home with you simply by buying one of my CDs.  Folks tell me that sometimes that’s even better than hearing me in a live show.  If they get tired of listening, they can just turn me off!
Lookin’ for bookin’s????

I specialize in all sorts of venues, large and small - particularily informal settings such as campfires, living rooms, back yards and front porches.  If pushed, I am not intimidated by the “big stage!” 

Nobody does doin’s better than Casey!

Give me a call at: 218-376-4673
(Leave a message if I don’t answer.  I may be outside playin’ in the treehouse!)

I don’t have a computer, so it’s best if you call me - but if you have to, you can e-mail me at: with “Casey” in the subject line and the message will get to me. mailto:NordHusCompany@aol.comshapeimage_3_link_0